Monday, July 21, 2008


Four days until I head up to Harpoon!

I cannot wait to get up there. We haven't cooked a KCBS sanctioned contest since late October of last year, almost 9 months! It seems like forever, that's for sure. However, I do not regret putting the schedule on hold as Sheila's pregnancy progressed. Looking back, she was fine, and we certainly could have cooked at Peter's Pond, New Hampshire or even Lake Placid. In fact, she worked at her job until the day that her water broke. Pretty impressive, a tough, hard working woman. I am proud of her.

Unfortunately, she will not be coming to Harpoon. She keeps saying that she wants to come up for one of the days. Max is doing great, and seems to enjoy riding in the car. But we know that it is just not worth it. She will be missed, that's for sure. She has been handling all the garnish for the turn in boxes, and my brother and I will have to pick up the slack. Also, we expect to be busy vending, and her help would certainly make a difference.

With the air conditioned camper, she certainly could come. But it would be just more trouble than it is worth. However, Max will be coming to Hudson Valley next month for sure.

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