Last year, I made the decision not to do any more grilling only contests. The decision was mainly because of logistics. I bought a camper/trailer so I could pack all of our cooking gear in there, and keep in there between events, then just hook up and go to the next one. Grilling contests, you don't need nearly as much stuff, so there is no need to drag a camper there. However, than means our SUV has to be jammed to the gills with gear, which creates additional mess and labor.
Also, the decision was made soon after I completely tanked at the Snowshoe and Oyster Bay grilling contests.
So I decided that I would only cook grilling contests if they were tied to a BBQ event the same weekend.
However, after several months of thinking it over, I have reconsidered this position. While there are some logistical issues, there are many benefits to grilling contests. One is the practicing of meeting turn in times, which is pressure that you can never recreate when practice cooking at home. Also, you can never get enough practice in building turn in boxes.
Of course, it is also a chance to meet up with friends from the BBQ circuit and have some fun, and hopefully add to the hardware bin.
Based on this, I have changed my mind and will resume my grilling career. This will begin with the Snowshoe in March, as I am planning to send out the application this weekend.
Glad to hear it Ted. Hope you are putting Oyster Bay back on your schedule. Besides you need to go back and bite the dog that you bit you lol
I try not to get too up and down when it comes to contest scores, but Oyster Bay really stung me good. Sometimes you just know that you are not going to score well, but with the exception of the wings that I burned, I thought the rest of our food there was pretty good, and we really tanked. I would probably like a shot at redemption.
I hear ya, Ted. Last year I chose not to do much grilling so I could focus on BBQ. My little plan did'nt work out the way I had wished. :) So this year, grill away!!
I think you guys should not grill, really should just sit back and relax...
I think they should just grill and skip the bbq stuff.
I second the motion
This is coming from two guys who are already going to the Jack this year. I say y'all should just stay home haha...
For can be better to do what you want..think first the right way to do in order to have a great RESULT..DON'T THINK FIRST THE NEGATIVE ONE JUST THE can do grill at the same time bbq..its up to you..manage your time:)
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