Thursday, January 15, 2009

NEBS Board of Directors

Tuesday night, I was elected to serve one the New England BBQ Society board of directors. Thanks to all of you who voted for me. After being elected, the board voted me as corresponding secretary. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to help promote and support BBQ in the region.

Meanwhile, by the end of the month, I should be starting to work from home full time. One of the many things I am looking forward to about this will be the ability to start cooking a whole lot more. Currently, I drive an hour each way, each day to work, and when I get home after 7 it is never easy to do any real cooking. Needless to say, we eat a lot of burgers, tacos and other speed meals.

I plan on cracking open the cookbooks and trying a lot of new things.

It will definitely lead to more practice for the upcoming BBQ season!


Anonymous said...


I'm looking forward to your new schedule.

Stacy said...

Hey Ted I just spent the last two days reading your blog. Congratulations with all of your success and I hope that this year is the best year for you guys. Also congrats on Max!

I do have a question. I am going to get into a few competitions this summer and everyone I am looking at will include some vending as well. The question I have is how do you gauge how much to bring to sell? Do you give out full servings or what? I guess that is more than one question!!

Congrats again.


Ted Lorson said...

Hi John,

Thanks for the nice comment, I really appreciate it, glad you enjoy the blog.

At most competitions here in the northeast, the teams do not vend. In most cases, the competition is part of a bigger event or festival. There are usually vendors who come specifically to vend, and the teams just focus on cooking for the judges. The one exception is Harpoon, where all the teams are allowed to and are encouraged to vend. That's one of the many things that make Harpoon such a success.

If you live in the northeast, a good place to start is at the New England BBQ Society page That's where all the contests in New England and New York are listed. All the contests in the country are listed at


Stacy said...

Thanks Ted.

I am in Colorado, and all of the events around here gives the contestants the ability to vend. Thanks again, I will be folling your progress and maybe someday we will get to meet and compete!

